
Human-friendly unit testing for C++11

Running tests

With bandit, you create a command line application that runs all registered tests, reports the result on stdout, and then returns with exit code 0 if all tests passed, or exit code greater than 0 if some tests did not pass.

Command line arguments

Bandit enables you to tweak the way tests are performed and reported by specifying command line options. Running [name of your executable] --help will list the available options.

$ bin/bandit-specs --help
USAGE: <executable> [options]

  --version,               Print version of bandit
  --help,                  Print usage and exit.
  --skip=<substring>,      Skip all 'describe' and 'it' containing substring
  --only=<substring>,      Run only 'describe' and 'it' containing substring
  --break-on-failure,      Stop test run on first failing test
  --dry-run,               Skip all tests. Use to list available tests
  --report-timing,         Instruct reporter to report timing information
  --reporter=<reporter>,   Select reporter: crash, dots, info, singleline, spec,
  --colorizer=<colorizer>, Select color theme: dark, light, off
  --formatter=<formatter>, Select error formatter: posix, qt, vs

Running a subset of the tests

You can skip tests from within your source code by using the describe_skip(), xdescribe(), it_skip(), and xit() constructs, or by setting the last (optional) argument of it() and describe() to true.

You can skip tests from the command line by using the --skip=<substring> option. By using this, you tell bandit to skip running all describe() and it() whose names contain <substring>.

It is also possible to tell bandit to only run a subset of the tests by passing --only=<substring>. This will cause bandit to only run those describe() and it() whose names contain <substring>.

You can use --only and --skip in combination and multiple times to filter the running tests according to your needs.

Tweaking the output


You can specify the way bandit reports the progress and results of a test by using the --reporter option:


Reports each executed test as a dot (.) or as an ā€˜Fā€™ or ā€˜Eā€™ depending on whether it succeeds or not.

This is the default.

Screenshot of dots reporter


Reports the progress on a single line. Updating counters of executed, failed and skipped tests.

Very useful if you do not want to be bothered a lot by output of the testing framework.

Screenshot of singleline reporter


Reports the test results in a XML format supported by most continuous integration servers.

Screenshot of xunit reporter


Reports the tests in a format similar to how they are written along with the status of each test.

Screenshot of spec reporter


Reports the tests in an appealing form with a marker for every relevant it. The marker says [ TEST ] when the test starts, [ PASS ] when the test passed and [ FAIL ] when the test failed. describe()s are declared by begin and end and every end contains a summary. Skipped describe()s are not shown at all. This reporter is somewhat inspired by the Google Test framework.

Screenshot of info reporter


Reports one it() per line containing the whole describe() stack. Very useful, for example, if you have a huge amount of tests and you are testing code that may crash, in a continuous integration system that sends you a mail with the last few lines of output.

Screenshot of crash reporter


With the --formatter=<formatter> option you can specify how bandit reports failed assertions. Different IDEs expect errors to be reported in different ways to be able to quickly navigate to the location of a failed assertion.


The POSIX formatter reports errors as

<filename>:<line>: <error message>

This matches how gcc and clang reports errors. This formatter is the default.


The Qt Creator formatter reports errors as

file://<filename>:<line>: <error message>

It enables a hyperlink from the console output to jump directly to the error.


The Visual Studio formatter reports errors the way Visual Studio wants errors to be reported, as

<filename>(<line>): <error message>


Bandit uses colors to highlight the status of the current test run.


Turns colors off. In certain IDEs or when running tests in continuous integration environment, colors might be ugly or are not supported and you just see the underlying escape sequences.


Uses a color theme with light colors for dark backgrounds. This is the default.


Uses a color theme with dark colors for light backgrounds.



Instruct reporter to report timing information for each test (only for the info and xunit reporters).

Tweaking the behavior

Exit on first error

The option --break-on-failure exits bandit when the first error or failed test occurs.

Dry run

The --dry-run option skips every test. In combination with --reporter=spec, this can be used to get a list of the available tests.